Component and Slot in Laravel

Web Developer Kaustubh
1 min readOct 13, 2019


Components are a reusable group of elements.

How to use Component and Slot (Example):-

1]Create one folder inside view and give a name e.g component.

2]Create file (questions-component.blade.php) inside component folder

— views
— — component
— — — question-component.blade.php

3] code inside question-component.blade.php. Consider we are going to repeat this code over and over again in the project

//question-component.blade.php<div style="background: #cbcda8">
<div><b>Answer :</b>- {{$answer}}</div>
<div style="padding: 10px;"></div>

4]create another file where we can write code for display (index.blade.php)

What is earth?
Earth is planet
What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax

In about code, we are calling component code which is defined in the question-component.blade.php file. Content defined inside slot will be placed inside the variable defined in the component.


What is earth?

will be placed in {{$question}}



Web Developer Kaustubh

Sr.Web developer. love to code. PHP , Javascript, Mysql, Laravel, Jquey, git, project planing,Linux